

Darel: Gilpin District Tramway 1910

Name/Stichwort Darel: Gilpin District Tramway 1910
Maßstab andere Spur
Spur Schmalspur
Anlagenform Sonderform
Steuerung n.n.
Anlagenmerkmale Nebenstrecke|Werksbahn/Feldbahn|Endbahnhof|Industrie-Gleisanschluss

Darel Leedy (Colorado, USA) hat die Point-to-Point-Anlage einer historischen Schmalspurbahn (1910) im Maßstab 1:64 (Spurweite 10,5 mm) auf einer Fläche von ungefähr 4 x 4 Meter geplant und realisiert. Mehrere Gleisanschlüsse von kleinen Minen sind auf der Anlage vorgesehen und am Endpunkt der Anlage -- "Black Hawk" -- der Umschlagpunkt von Schmalspur auf Normalspur. Die Anlage besticht durch ihre Einfachheit; nix Wendel oder Schattenbahnhof, aber trotzdem ein sehr reizvolles Arrangemetn. O-Ton Darel:

Black Hawk is the home of the Gilpin Tramway engine house, and the transfer facilities to the Colorado and Southern Railroad. Modeled also is the large Polar Star Mill, which is the main destination of the loaded ore cars from the mines. Central City is represented by Eureka Street, and the Tramway water tank located near the crossing. All four mines( Grand Central, Gold Collar, Whiting & Grand Army ) are modeled after real mines located in Prosser Gulch, just above Central City. All are placed in their correct locations as viewed from the Gulch below.

Operation will be very authentic and simple. Trains will depart Black Hawk with empty ore cars, and perhaps coal, water or mining equipment for the mines as needed. Returning to Black Hawk, the trains will bring back loaded ore cars for either the Polar Star Mill or transfer to the C&S for delivery to the smelters in Denver.


Anmerkungen zum Plan
Urheber/Quelle Darel Leedy
Link http://www.narrowtracks.com/gilpin_tram/index.htm
Datum 14.11.2008

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