Huib Maaskant: Buitenlust
Segmentanlage Buitenlust: sichtbare Ebenen (oben) ... und untere Ebene mit Schattenbahnhof: |
Name/Stichwort | Huib Maaskant: Buitenlust |
Maßstab | 1:45 (0) |
Spur | Regelspur |
Größe | Raumfüllende Großanlagen |
Anlagenform | Sonderform |
Steuerung | Digital |
Gleissystem | |
Anlagenmerkmale | Schattenbahnhof|Nebenstrecke|Durchgangsbahnhof|Endbahnhof|Industrie-Gleisanschluss |
Anlagenthema | Die Anlage Buitenlust, in transportablen Segmenten für eine Fläche von 6,0 x 5,5 Meter geplant, basiert auf den realen Bahnhofsplänen von Soest und Baarn NCS. Die verbindenden Stücke sind frei gestaltet, aber entsprechen im Charakter ebenfalls der Realität. Auf seiner Website beschreibt Huib das Anlagenkonzept: Buitenlust is set in the late 50's, early 60's. In reality, the single track through Soest had long been electrified by then. When the overhead wires went into service in 1948, the old NCS station at Baarn was no longer used for passenger trains. From now on, they would stop at the other station in Baarn, which is just across the street. The old NCS station kept its tracks and was used to handle goods trains until the late 70's. At Buitenlust I have given reality a twist at this point. The branch line is not electrified yet and the NCS station is still being used by passenger trains, operated by diesel engines. This was actually the case at many other branch lines in Holland at the time. Between Eem and Eng: The line curves around the sandy hill on which the town of Soest has been built, called the Eng. It continues through the valley (actually a polder) of the Eem river towards Baarn. The Eng is a leftover from the last ice age. The ice from the north-pole was pushed all the way to here, leaving a big pile of sand. Soest was built along the edge. The Eem river runs from Amersfoort via Soest and Baarn to the IJsselmeer, the big central lake of Holland. The railway passes through forest and several sand drifts near Soest,. which is pretty unique for The Netherlands. Near Baarn, the landscape changes into a flat polder. The changing scenery makes this branch line a really interesting setting for a model railway. Until the 19th century, the Soest area was remote and desolate. That changed completely when the railway was built. The rich and famous soon discovered Soest as an excellent place to spend their time off. Many of them had beautiful villas built. Baarn, Soest and other towns changed from poor farmers' villages to fashionable towns almost overnight. You can still see a lot of those villas when you drive through the area today.
Anmerkungen zum Plan | Beeindruckend ist der mit vielen Fotos versehene Baubereicht auf Huibs Website mit Selbstbaugleisen und -weichen! Abgesehen vom Gleisbau beeindruckt die Dokumentation durch die liebevolen Gestaltungsdetails. Auch in dem Wissen, dass es sich hier um den "riesigen" Maßstab 1:45 handelt, ist die Detailliertheit faszinierend.
Daneben bietet Huib Maaskant einige interessante elektronik-Komponenten in seinem Shop an: BMD16N-Decoder für den S88-Bus, Loconet-Hub, Platine für Modul-/Segmentverbindung mit handelsüblichen 25-poligen seriellen Computer-Kabeln und anderes mehr ...
Gleisplan-Software | WinTrack |
Urheber/Quelle | Huib Maaskant |
Link | |
Datum | 07.10.2009 |